Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A Remarkable Life

Will it never end? More sad news. .... Yesterday marked the death of Howie Engleman. Referred to as 'Howard Engleman' in his obituary. You probably don't know him. He wasn't an actor. He didn't have the star quality of say someone like Dennis Weaver. But he was probably one of the most fascinating people I have ever met. .... True story - I ran into him in the grocery store one time. There was a sale on of Kraft Dinner. You know the primo macaroni and cheese stuff that comes in a box? Anyway, it was on sale for the same price as the no-name generic mac 'n cheese. And so what does Howie do? He buys 50 boxes of the no-name stuff - even tho he had never even tried it before!!! I asked him why he didn't get the good 'brand' name stuff since it had been marked down to the same price and he muttered something about not judging a book by its cover and that life should be lived as an ongoing adventure - or a lab experiment. He then happily went to the 'one-to-eight items only' check-out and insisted that he was entitled because he only had the one kind of item. The fact that he had 50 of them shouldn't matter. After a big scene due to the asshole in line behind him, even the store manager agreed with Howie's logic and let him check out thru the express aisle. Oh, that Howie - whatta crazy guy!


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