Friday, February 19, 2010

Jim Chapman - Yesterday's Man

"Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift, that's why
they call it the present."
- Jim Chapman

The above quote is taken from the 'Home' page of, the website of local broadcaster Jim Chapman. Considering the attribution beneath this little homily, one might assume that Jim himself actually penned this little pome.

Nope. Type it into the Google 'search.'... It seems that no one knows who first came up with this pithy little gem, but I recognized it because it had "Hallmark greeting card" written all over it. In fact, it's the sort of email crap that well-meaning friends send you along with a slide show of grandparents and little brats or else puppies and aged declawed cats.

The reason I was even on Jim's website in the first place was because for the past month or so, on his weekday morning AM-radio lecture series broadcast by AM980,he's been talking about this new Internet 'Newsletter' he's going to be doing once he hires a full-time editor/reporter. After sorting through all the resumes.

That was a few weeks ago. But on his show last Monday, February 8, Jim promised to have the new editor/reporter on the air the next day to talk about the 'Newsletter.' Then didn't show up 'live' until Friday with nary a mention of 'The Jim Chapman Newsletter.'

Just so you know, 'The Jim Chapman Newsletter' would be a means for everyone who doesn't have the time to do the research themselves, to find out how Jim would vote in this fall's municipal elections. This way, Jim's Army of lazy uninformed boobs will know who to vote for (example) - middle-of-the-roader Bill Armstrong or one of dinosaur car-guy Bud Polhill's offspring?

This week, I've tuned in daily for an update. Today was the last time I will. Yesterday, he said that he would have the successful applicant for the editor/reporter job on with him on Friday's show. But this morning was more or less a typically rambling (and sans 'Editor/Reporter) infomercial for the 'Newsletter' which we are now promised will be available on-line March 5th. Given Jim's track record, don't hold your breath.

This is a guy who once had - and possibly still has aspirations of holding elected office but can't seem to get elected. This is a guy who once legitimately held the well-deserved title of 'King of All Media' here in Hicksville, Ohio. This is a guy who had a great radio talk show on CJBK because it was 'open-line' - he actually took callers. And it was good because unlike today's show on a different station, he had a producer who actually forced him to FOCUS. And then, like now, I actually agreed with some of what he had to say.

Maybe it's a good thing that he's hiring an editor for his latest vanity project. Because he surely needs one. Check out this quote I've heard at least twice in the past month, the most recent being this very morning - "Don't get me wrong about what I'm about to say. I mean no disrespect to anyone on City Council - although most of them have no business being there."

Don't believe me, check the AM980 website. Each show is 'archived.'

And *THIS* is the guy I want 'advising' me on how to vote in the next election?

Just how controversial will this Newsletter be? Well, consider this. Last week, he offered Mayor Anne-Marie Shortchanged his entire hour of air-time to host his radio show. So last Thursday she brought along Chamber of Commerce guy Gerry McCartney and London Economic Development Something or Other Department head Peter White, and they spent the hour telling Jimmy's Army what a great job they have been doing in bringing in new jobs and that the most important thing was that there was great 'communication' with Londoners. What with the City's presence on Facebook and all. But during that hour, despite having the technology at their fingertips, they weren't taking any phone calls. Just in case people didn't agree with their self-assessment.

It's peculiar that Jim even gave Her Worship this public campaign contribution because he's always going on and on about how he *likes* the Mayor as a person. Even considers her a friend - "Even though we don't agree on everything." Meanwhile, every other day he's making cracks about the "lack of leadership" which is adversely affecting our City Council and City Hall.

But I have to wonder - *IF* I had my own local radio program where I could have an elected official on and the capability to take calls from an angry public, would I give the incumbent Mayor a free hour-long infomercial - OR would I attempt to be a 'real' journalist or at least use the opportunity to make some good radio?

When you hand the microphone over to mayor for an hour, the very least that your listeners should expect from you is that you hold her feet to the fire. But Jim wasn't even there. Wasn't even in the studio. Instead, he got her campaign team to sub for him.

And *THIS* is the guy I want advising me on WHO to vote for next fall?

Check out his website, . As a self-stlyed 'rogue' journalist, Jim doesn't have a lot of credibility. Not when he makes a Hallmark Greeting Card homily look to be his own by sticking his name underneath it. Geez, if you're going to take credit for someone else's words at least pick something good. At least steal something edgy or controversial.

But relevancy is the major problem here. Not even a brand new 'Newsletter' can help. The current website is proof enough that he is truly yesterday's man.

Are you there yet? All you have to do is go to the tab on the home-page titled "Civic Election 2010."

... are you there yet? No? Well, let me share - the most 'current' entry for our upcoming municipal election is from late December, 2006 - 'Crystal Ball Shows Expensive Future.' No guff. Can't argue with that one. But it's the fact that it's the most recent post in a website section devoted to an election to be held in the year 2010 which is what's troubling.

There are even more dated entries to the 'Civic Election 2010' section of the website. How about this one - 'Council Reform a Recipe for Trouble.' From the summer of 2005.

I'm assuming that a new Newletter/website will mean Jim scraps all of that old stuff. Because stale-dated columns from almost five years ago under the heading of 'Civic Elecion 2010' is just plain embarrassing. Especially with "Copyright 2009" at the bottom of the home-page.

Is a new Newsletter going to be any more up to date? Jim's way of thinking is on its way out. He can hire all the writer/reporters in the world to try to make his buddies on Council such as Bud Polhill sound exciting and credible but for them it's over. And it was over last election when the new ward system was first introduced.

And now that this new council has gotten rid of the out-dated Board of Control, it's over for them for good. Good thing Bud has a good day-job. After this fall's election, he and his broadcaster friend should just retire gracefully. Because I can't bear another four years of Jim railing against how the Lefties on council stole our votes by eliminating Board of Control. It's a done deal, Jim. And it was done legally and democratically by the people WE elected. Time to embrace the future and stop living in the past. That little piece of advice is my 'present' to you.

Should anyone out there want to subscribe to Jim's newsletter - whenever it actually gets started - can get on the mailing list by emailing and putting 'Newsletter' in the header.

And you will officially be considered part of Chapman's Army. Not that Jim is actually calling it that these days. Recently he's been toying a lot with the phrase "the Silent Majority." Good way to motivate the electorate, Jim. By borrowing a term from four decades ago made famous by Richard Nixon.


Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Sonny, I could be wrong because it is 15 years ago, but I don't think Happy McChappy did demand a recount in 1994 when he was beaten by Megan Walker in Ward 6.

Perhaps he did. Perhaps he didn't and perhaps you've got more brain cells left than I do after my nasty spill on black ice on December 7, 2009.

3:55 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Butch, you be Tha Masta bout knowin' such things.

And if I was wrong about a recount, I apologize.

But I don't think I was.

So there. And other than Jim, who cares? Everyone already knows that he's a big bab....

4:54 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Butch, I believe you are right. But I remember, he was certainly publicly talking about a recount.

Hence, the removal of all that from my original post.

1:06 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Thanks Aaron. Check back in the fall. I'm going to tell everyone who to vote for.

2:42 AM  
Blogger Crazylegs said...

But Jim MUST be smarter than us about these things. He has a REALLY big head. It's true. I was standing beside him at a coffee shop just the other day and thought, "Wow! Jim has a really big head. He must be a fucking genius with a brain that big." But his hair was a little too coiffed for my tastes so I'll probably just ignore him, anyways. Vanity is big turn-off.

7:45 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Crazy - you don't want to know where those hairs came from! ... but you can probably guess.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Sonny, I was wrong and you were right.

I checked with MW and on the recount she picked up a few more votes!

2:55 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Seems to me she picked up a radio show too.

Good fer Megan - and bless her heart.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Pagan Mnemosyne said...

Back in his CJBK days, Jim had Annie on, and there was talk of throwing 'hardball' questions at her. But lo, when the day dawned, the questions were made of plush and smelled of rosewater. Big surprise there.

3:15 PM  
Blogger G. Harrison said...


very interesting entry and i await updates re the updated newsletter.

My house abuts a church parking and Jim's is on the opposite side - along with most of his views. It took him almost 10 years to notice his rain gutters and fascia (or is it fascii?) needed a complete redo, whereas I only let mine slide for 2 - 3 years. So, how can I ever be on the same page as him?

However, like araon, I think your bolg is nice.


8:49 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Gordo - I heard Jim on the radio the morning the news of the Wortley Village high-rise development was in the Free Press.

He said he had no opinion on the matter. Neither for nor against.

Now, how can anyone who lives a mere couple blocks away NOT have an opinion on it?!?

... God forbid, we wouldn't want Jim to offend any of his development friends would we?

9:16 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

But Gord, Jim Chapman has only lived in that home for 5-6 years.

Before that he lived in another heritage home at the southwest corner of Elmwood and Edward Street (a block or so to the west).

2:53 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Yup, Herman is Jimmy's editor for the "Voice of London."

Voice of Doom, shurley!

12:42 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

It won't be a Scotsman paying for this project!

5:38 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Yes indeed, you were right Butch. Kudoes. You win the pool.

My gut instinct tells me that Herman is doing a 'Stephen Colbert' on this thing.

7:44 AM  
Blogger David Webb said...

Herman Gooden? What the hey? I was sure he was going to pick Clay Powell. That guy is a legend. Or so he says. Sounds like a perfect match for Goofball Chapman.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Clay seems kind of modest. Not one word about knowing Keith Richards and Anita Von Pallenberg. Or Wayne Kellestine for that matter.

8:05 AM  
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