Saturday, April 10, 2010

TV Ads from the Grave We'd Like to See

Imagine this - a static close-up of the person above. Off-camera you hear a voice-over from Beyond-Neverland. It's a soft fey voice and speaks in a non-judgemental tone, hoping only for a straight answer.

"Did you learn anything?

"I just want to know father, what your feelings were when you bullied me as a child and beat me? I wanna know what your thinking was when you called me lazy and made fun of my nose so often that I had so much plastic surgery done to it that it no longer resembled anything human?

"I wanna know your thoughts when you found out you were left out of my will and that I specified that you would never have custody of my children? After you inflicted a lifetime of abuse and exploitation on me to the point I was a psychological fuck-up and my early death was really a suicide-in-progress a long time coming, what did you think I was trying to tell you after cutting off all contact?

"You made me hate you. You are not deserving of a son's love. I just want to know - did your learn anything?"

... after those last words, the camera keeps running for a few seconds. The face of the man on the screen remains impassive and doesn't change. But that leer of a grin bespeaks of times then and now of laughing all the way to the bank. The eyes are as dead as the soul behind them. The only reflection in them are of dollar signs.


Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Three-squared - you really said a mouthful there.

But, I'm sorry, as for the bit about the aliens? You're truly full of shite on that one.

11:53 AM  

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