Saturday, October 21, 2006

This Time It's Personal

Have you heard the latest? The Liberals are going to parachute Justin Trudeau into London North-Centre to run in the upcoming federal by-election.

It's a desperation move of course. His dad was cremated, otherwise they'd be bringing in the corpse of Pierre Eliot Trudeau in an attempt to prevent former London mayor Dianne Haskett from winning that former Liberal seat for the ruling Conservative Party.

This town has been all a-twitter at the surprise news this week that Haskett has returned from her self-imposed six-year exodus in the wilderness of Washington D.C. to take over that federal member of Parliament seat vacated by soon-to-be former politician Joe Fontana who left his job only a few months into it because he mistakingly believed he was such an obvious shoo-in for Mayor.

Haskett, who took an early leave of her own duties as Mayor six years ago to move to Washington because her husband found a job there, is now back in London wanting to represent us at the federal level. Her husband is supportive of the move. Apparently, as a graphic artist, he can work anywhere.

But even though she claims that it is her "heart's desire," to return to London and work for the Conservative Party, she's making no committments to stay should she not get the nomination to run. And if she loses the election, you know she's back in Washington - where, she gushed on the radio the other day, she and her husband have a real cool apartment in a trendy downtown neighbourhood where they have lots of friends and friends of people in high places.

Naw, if things don't work out, she ain't sticking around this hick town. And who can blame her. But we can blame her for this blatant political opportunism being passed off as a sentimental homecoming. "Hearts desire," my ass! C'mon, if a by-election seat opened up in Chatham and she had more than 10 friends there, she'd be running in that riding. But even though Fontana didn't live in London either - at least he lived in Arva. At least he's lived IN THIS COUNTRY for the past six years.

It's interesting that in all her interviews, the reason for her return at this time is because she wants to do what she can to help Prime Minister Harper keep the Conservative government going. Note the lack of rhetoric about how she wants to help London and Londoners and those in the London North-Centre riding.

I guess we should be grateful she isn't promising to "put London on the map." She already accomplished that when she was Mayor and made this town a national laughing-stock by refusing to proclaim a Gay Pride Day due to her fundamentalist Christian beliefs. In a radio interview this week, she promised not to go down that road if elected. In any free vote about gay marriage (which is already a done deal and not likely to be dragged up again,) she said she would listen to her constituents and then vote with her conscience. Meaning that she would vote against it and also argue that all gay marriages currently on the books be rescinded - or at least make sure that all the wedding gifts are returned. Such will read the headlines in a world where Diane Haskett has a voice on the national stage. We can only hope that she doesn't embarrass us further the way her fellow fundamentalist Christian and former M.P. Jack Burqhardt did years ago in the House of Parliament by calling for an end to Satanic messages in heavy metal music.

But I'll say this for her, in the midst of a pretty good munipal election, she has stolen all the headlines - and for another election that hasn't yet even been called, no less.

The very day after her announcement, there on the front page of the London Free Press (Thursday, Oct. 19, for anyone paying attention,) along side a pic of a beaming Haskett, is a photo of Megan Walker, Haskett's arch-enemy from the days when Haskett was Mayor and Walker was her biggest adversary on city council. What a photo! I tell you, the woman looks like she's ready to spit tacks. You can almost read her thoughts - "How dare she, how dare she return to this town and want to help that nasty Steven Harper and his evil Conservatives!"

So yesterday comes the official news that Me-agin herself is running against Haskett in this soon-to-be announced election. She had no plans to run prior to Haskett's announcement. Or in any election. She had retired from politics after Haskett left town. Which kind of says everything you need to know. She says she's back in the game because she doesn't want Canada to become like the United States - you know, the sort of world where people like Steven Harper and George Bush and former London mayors who now live in Washington can push their moral agenda.

She sure ain't running because she thinks she has a chance of winning. Typically Megan, she has aligned herself with those perennial losers, the New Democratic Party and their leader (a true national embarrassment,) Jack Layton. (Hey Jack, tell us again how we can best help the people in Afghanistan by getting our troops out of there so the women and children of the country can sit down and negotiate with the Taliban.)

No, the only reason Walker is running is because of who her opponent is. She wants to save us from Diane Haskett - which is odd because initially it looked like Haskett was the one with the 'Saviour' complex.

I remember years ago when both women were on City Council. Walker was opposed to some initiative Haskett had put forward. Don't matter what it was - could have been sewer taxes, could have been the Gay Pride thing - the woman rejected anything initiated by Haskett out of spite or instinct alone. And she was on the TV news claiming that "This isn't about Diane Haskett ..." And she was right. It was all about Megan Walker.

As Don Michael Corleone said in 'The Godfather,' before sending Abe Vigoda to sleep with the fishes - "It's ALL personal." The fact that Walker jumped into this election race ONLY after Haskett delared her intentions says it all. It's just a chance to badmouth Haskett on a public stage. Talk about your political opportunists.

In Biblical terms that Haskett might understand, Megan is like one of those Harpies from the Old Testament that followed that Odysseus guy around and plagued him on his journeys in the book of Exodus.


Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Three things Sonny.

1. "Haskett, who took an early leave of her own duties as Mayor six years ago to move to Washington because her husband found a job there ..."

Actually, Haskett completed her mayoral term, leaving the job and the city AFTER the November, 2000 civic election and AFTER the last meeting of the former council.

2. Haskett's biggest or main adversary on city council (admittedly from 1994-1997) was Ward 7 Councillor Ted Wernham, who, incredibly, is now a big part of Haskett's campaign to win the Tory nomination in London North-Centre. The fireworks between Wernham and Haskett (initiated by Wernham) were more explosive than anything between Walker and Haskett from 1997-2000.

3. Megan Walker was wooed by Layton and the NDP to seek the riding's nomination BEFORE Haskett was even on the scene. Her final decision, however, was made AFTER Haskett's so-called return to London.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

I bow to your superior memory on those first two points Butch.

But as we all know, with #3, Meegan wouldn't even be running if it didn't involve the chance to mix it up with Haskett.

Thanks for the bit about Layton's long-time wooing. That would explain a lot about why he showed up on the Meegan & Morris radio show on a near weekly basis.

Why isn't Morris running? I'd vote for that guy in a minute. He could even start a "Common Sense" movement.

12:13 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Sonny Drysdale wrote: "But as we all know, with #3, Meegan wouldn't even be running if it didn't involve the chance to mix it up with Haskett."

Not necessarily. That's a conclusion based on speculation unsupported by facts. The accepted fact that she was being wooed by Layton before Haskett came to London last Monday the 16th, somewhat weakens the case for your assertion.

Oftentimes things are not what they seem in life and letters. Speculation does not define reality.

Often I've jumped to conclusions on a wide variety of issues and circumstances and found myself to be in error.

I notice that others often take the same well-worn path.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

That was no speculation, Butch. I can read her mind.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

For once I agree with you trout. Have you been taking your cod liver oil pills, like a good little fish?

People that continually jump to the wrong conclusions without checking out the facts are usually slobbering idiots frrom the Ozarks. Either that or Republicans and rednecks.

Surely, Sonny, you are neither. You must be from Windsor then.

3:53 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Like Honey Pot says, if Megan was being wooed by Jack Layton - and this plan to seek the nomination was nothing new, surely someone would have told her about the rules regarding signing up new members so they can actually vote for her.

This looks like a pretty spur of the moment decision to me. A day after the Haskett announcement.

No, speculation isn't a wise idea - but you know and I know and Honey Pot knows and Meegan and anyone with half a brain knows that the only reason Meegan is running can be found in two words - 'Dianne Haskett.'

Either that or someone in the NDP might want to point out their rules to her a little earlier next time.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

There you go, jumping to the wrong conclusions, Honey Pot.

If someone designs a chapel in St. Peter's Basilica (as Philip Aziz has done) or completes a painting of the Pope (ditto), they must be Catholic, right?

Not also so.

Regarding Walker only running to compete against Haskett, believe what you will. It matters not a fig what you think anyway.

Neither one of you two fortune tellers live in London North-Centre. You live in the bowels of Purgatory, across the River Styx.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Rise up Satan and give them rock-hard constipation!

1:26 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Bad idea, trout. I've already got it on DVD. Honey Pot Sugar Scoop is tres shaved and tres hot hot hot!!!

1:53 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Honey Pot, I'm dreaming about you, Dianne Haskett and Megan Walker practically every night.

The three of you sexy babes are in a hot tub (scantily clad) with me and we're all incredibly horny and deeply spiritual (Let My People Come!).

You get the picture, Sugar Scoop.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Greek Orthodox is not Catholic. The Pope is not their Head Ramrod. Apples and Oranges.

Rub your back? I'm in the mood for some deep stroke power thrusting.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Sugar Scoop, I'm glad that you've seen The Light. Now, if you'll agree to a video session French kissing Megan, we'll both be millionaires in no time.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Back to the Future (1994): Smack-dab in the middle of the Dreaded Great Lakes Triangle

Something very very strange is occurring in the federal riding of London North-Centre, which is smack-dab in the middle of the Dreaded Great Lakes Triangle.

If you haven't noticed it by now you're either an unschooled newcomer to the forces of The Twilight Zone or a zombie sleepwalking through life.

It's almost as if the Heavenly Bodies are not satisfied with the way events originally unfolded in 1994 and we're being forced to revisit them in another sequel to the movie, Back to the Future.

Readjusting the tumblers of time so to speak. A strange-and-unusual constellation of events and interconnected individuals, whose stories and past activities are often stranger than fiction.

Ignoring the preponderance of national attention that the riding's by-election is receiving (even Jim Chapman was interviewed by Don Neuman on Newsworld (Channel 26) the other day, a first for Chapman), consider the following:

1. London's former mayor Dianne Haskett (1994-2000) burns it back to London from Washington in her white Cadillac (12 hours on the road) through the driving rain on Monday, October 16, and manages to win the Conservative nomination in two days, notwithstanding her six-year absence from The Forest City. Her evangelical, Bible-thumping friends in London remain loyal to their Queen Bee and work like Mennonites at a barn-raising bee to secure the nomination for Haskett. No doubt Haskett was tipped off by her friend Stockwell Day about the impending by-election in London North-Centre, noting that her former executive assistant, Tim Gatten (a current candidate for Board of Control), was Day's charge d'affaires living in Stornaway when Day was CCRAP's Leader of the Opposition.

2. Last night on the 11 o clock news on the A-channel, the station showed a clip of a protester outside the Polish Combatants' Club carrying a sign with the words "Haskett a Human Rights Violator" on it and asking a man coming into the building if he knew that Haskett was convicted by the Humans Rights Tribunal.

Guess who the man was? None other than right-wing freelance Free Press columnist Rory (The Mummy) Leishman who's written scores of snorefest columns attacking the Human Rights Tribunal and who's also an evangelical Christian and ardent supporter of Dianne Haskett.

Without a shadow of a doubt his next published column in the Free Press (if he still has one) will be on this very subject. Mark my words. Think of this article when you read it.

3. It appears that David Burghardt, son of the late Jack Burghardt, will be the Liberal candidate in London North-Centre, battling his dad's old nemesis from 1994 when Dianne Haskett won a squeaker in the mayoral race over Jack, by a margin of 1,078 votes. After Deputy-Mayor Burghardt was defeated by Dianne Haskett, he became a lay preacher in the United Church.

4. Former Ward 7 Councillor Ted Wernham, who was Dianne Haskett's chief antagonist on city council after she was elected mayor in 1994, is now one of Haskett's most ardent supporters. (Dianne prayed for Ted in 1997 and Ted subsequently became a Promisekeeeper and a born-again child of God). It should also be noted that Wernham was one of about five members of city council who voted in 1995 to issue a Gay Pride Proclamation to the HALO club to celebrate Gay Pride Week (along with Megan Walker, Joe Swan, Diane Whiteside and a name who escapes).

4. Megan Walker, currently in a strange-and- heated battle with Steve Maynard for the NDP nomination in London North-Centre, was first elected as a Ward 6 councillor in 1994, beating third-place finisher Jim Chapman by a whisker. Walker subsequently became a strident opponent of Haskett's during the Gay Pride Proclamation debacle. Maynard works for NDP-MP Irene Mattheyson, yet Mattheyson was at Walker's media conference supporting her as Walker announced her candidacy for the NDP nomination on October 20 at Pete Denomme's London Music Club (the old Knights of Columbus Hall on Colborne Street).

4. Green Party newbie Leader Elizabeth May is parachuting into the London North-Centre by-election as the Green Party candidate, thinking she has strong support in the riding.

5. And let's not forget that this weird-and-wacky by-election was precipitated by the resignation of longtime Liberal MP Joe (Banana-Rama) Fontana, who's now battling (and getting his ass kicked by) Haskett's friend and protege, Anne Marie DeCicco-Best, for the mayor's elevated swivel chair.

I won't even mention the fact that Steve Orser and his partner Cynthia (The People's Mayor) Etheridge are both running for spots on city council, as well as Bud Polhill, his son Steve and Steve's wife, Sheri, who's seeking a spot at the trough on the Public School Board.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

I think I'll vote for Dave Burkhardt. I like the cut of his jib.

6:41 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Walker acclaimed as NDP candidate in London North-Centre

London, ON -- Megan Walker was acclaimed the NDP candidate in the federal riding of London North-Centre tonight after a stunning turn of events on-stage at the Wolf Performance Hall of London's Central Library.

Steve Maynard, likely a shoo-in to win the nomination as Walker had been unable to sell NDP memberships prior to the meeting (due to NDP rules prohibiting the sale of voting memberships 30 days before the nomination meeting), graciously announced from the stage that it "wasn't my time" and was withdrawing his nomination in order to support Walker as she carries the NDP banner in the November 27 by-election to replace longtime Liberal MP Joe Fontana.

Audible gasps were heard from Maynard's numerous supporters in the nearly packed hall. Everyone in the hall gave Steve Maynard a standing, emotional ovation for his heartfelt last-minute decision.

No one saw this coming, least of all Megan Walker and her supporters, who were as surprised as Maynard's supporters.

For those wishing to support the NDP in this critical by-election, the NDP election office is located at 1010 Dundas Street East. The work to win the by-election for the NDP begins tomorrow morning.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Heard Meegan's nomination-victory speech on the radio this morning. What a class act.

Do you think they'd give me a Haskett lawn sign even if I don't live in London North of Centre?

9:13 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Sonny, Haskett is only using a dozen or so lawn signs. She's handing out Bibles on the campaign trail, Bibles with her picture on the front.

True story.

Sounds to me like Honey Pot definitely needs a laying on of the Hands.

Notice how she hasn't responded as to whether or not she'd be wiling to French kiss and make up with her Meggie.

P.S. Gerrard Kennedy's in town meeting with officials in London North-Centre.

2:36 PM  

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