Thursday, January 04, 2007

Dianne Haskett Does the Unthinkable!

No, she hasn't converted to Satanism.

She's merely leaving town after not winning the recent by-election in London North-Centre - contrary to her statements made during her losing speech.

Geez - ya coulda knocked me over with a feather with this news. Quel surprise! Who'da thunk it? Well, I did, for one. Check out my rant from Oct. 21 entitled, 'This Time It's Personal,' in which I predicted she'd be leaving if she lost. I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging because anyone with a brain could see it coming. .... Sssh - you hear that? It's the sound of a whole town not giving a shit.

So after a couple of months of soul-searching she's heading back home to Washington D.C. She won't stick around to fight again in the soon-to-be-called spring election and give it another shot. Her reason for thinking that she can't win? Londoners have shown her with our votes that we don't like the fact that she spent the last six years living in Washington and we think her return was nothing but blatant political opportunism.

The real reason she's leaving however, is that this is the first time she's ever had the humbling experience of LOSING an election. So the big baby is taking her baseball and going home. Because how humiliating that would be if it happened twice. Well, whatta sucky-babe. Whatever happened to getting back on that horse?

I don't buy this business about how Londoners couldn't accept her time in the States. Shit, the front-runner for leader of the federal Liberals going into their leadership convention was a guy who spent decades in the U.S. ... And he almost won too, if not for the Liberal tradition of shooting themselves in the foot.

No, in true Haskett fashion, she blames someone else for her own misfortunes. This time it's the narrow-minded views of Londoners. For all the soul-searching she claims to have done as to why she lost the election, you would have thought that maybe God would have given her a clear sign of the real reason. Or at least He might have grabbed her by the shoulders and shouted it in her ear. Because she obviously doesn't get it.

Dianne, you lost the election because you ran such a pathetic campaign. You didn't say much other than predictable Conservative party pap. You made only minimal appearances. You door-to-door campaign was conducted by right-wing evangelist pinheads. In short, YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!

At least Meegan Walker can blame her dismal last-place performance on her big mouth. But Haskett didn't say anything. Shit, she could have ran her empire campaign from her Washington home and no one would have known the difference. There's a reason she was called 'The Invisible Candidate.'

So a word of advice, Dianne. Next time you hear of a "sure thing" election in this town, don't hurry back. No, we aren't nuts about political opportunists who would rather live in a trendy high-priced Washington neighbourhood than in this hick town. But one thing we do expect from a leader is that they don't quit the first time they lose. No one respects a quitter. Especially one who blames her mistakes on everyone else but herself. And especially when a second kick at the can is mere months away. And with a lot of hard work might even be win-able.

Heck, I'm voting for Harper. So are all my friends.


Blogger Butch McLarty said...

You've got to admit, Sonny, that this bit about marriage and weekend shit-stabbing has been taken just a tad too far.

At least, that's what Herman, Rory and Pat O'Brien tol' me.

4:12 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Butch - I thought that whole gay marriage thing was old news and forgotten about. Or are you talking about vows between the trans-gendered?

2:12 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

"I believe my candidacy was for the purpose of offering the people a choice on the marriage issue. The Liberals, the NDP, the Green Party, and even the other candidate seeking to be the Conservative nominee were all in support of same-sex marriage. My candidacy offered the people of London North Centre the only clear choice for those who wanted an MP who would vote in support of traditional marriage.

Now that the final vote has been taken in the Parliament of Canada, this issue is firmly and finally decided. The people of London and the people of Canada have spoken through their elected MP’s. And present and future Canadians will bear the consequences of that decision." -- Dianne Haskett, from her Web site,

Ms. Haskett thinks the issue of same-sex marriage is still relevant.

1:54 PM  

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