Friday, January 19, 2007

Sonny Demands Government to Get Peter Jaffe to Shut His Fuckin' Mouth

Well, he's at it again.

Less than a month after making the headlines with his call for an end to fist-fights in hockey, Thames Valley School Board trustee Peter Jaffe is back in the news as head of a coalition of fellow naive do-gooders and media sluts who held a press conference in Queen Park and insisted that (and I quote from the lead sentence of yesterday's London Free Press,) "Politicians must help parents control the violence their kids watch, hear and download, " warns a London anti-violence activist," referring to Jaffe.

Ah, the problem of media violence. Again. This is getting really tiresome.

These people want age-restictions put on CDs; they want laws restricting any programming aimed at an adult audience from being broadcast before 9 p.m. and they want new hate-crime laws to include women and children "which in turn will curb objectifying programs and web-sites."

And yet they are calling on politicians - the most morally-bankrupt sleazy life-form out there to help parents do their jobs. When I have problems in the parenting department, the very last people I would ask for help from would be a politician.

Not that parents couldn't use some help. Some people don't know how to be parents. They are the types who shouldn't even have kids. But it takes very little effort to keep an eye on little Junior and monitor what he's watching. It isn't hard. And as a parent, it is your job to do so. You don't need any help from the government. If you don't like the show your kids are watching, then turn off the TV. You find them on a web-site you don't approve of, then unplug the computer. You hear the F-word in a CD they just bought and it bothers you, then take it away and give it back to them when they are 18 and have the legal right to cuss and swear.

But as an adult and a parent, you don't throw your hands up in the air and ask the government to step in as Big Daddy and do your parenting for you by putting yet more restrictions on your life.

Let's look at just what these pie-eyed dreamers are recommending - "Federal broadcasting laws should keep all 'material intended for adult audiences' off TV and radio before 9 p.m.' " ... We're not talking about 'adult' dirty movies here, we're talking about anything aimed at an adult mind. This means nothing but 'Dora the Explora' all day long till the kiddies' 9 o'clock bedtime.

And then there's this one - "Protection for women and girls should be written into federal hate-crime legislation." Well, on the surface that sounds fine. But this is their reason for it - "which could then curb objectifying programs and web-sites." Which means no more Fashion Television, no more Falcon Beach, no more Desperate Housewives, the total end of MTV and the entire music video industry, Ed the Sock and Leno & Letterman, all those late-night movies on Showtime and CITY-TV and infomercials for Girls Gone Wild videos. To say nothing of 95 per-cent of all web-sites.

Clearly, these people have no connection with reality. These recommendations are going no place. Other than as fodder for open-line radio shows for a day and to raise the public profiles of those who get their picture in the paper (always important the next time an election comes around,) they serve no purpose.

Ditto with school board trustee Jaffe's most recent 'success.' This guy is dangerous. He actually convinced his fellow trustees on the Thames Valley School Board to pass a motion "to warn pupils and parents of potential on-ice violence and officially ask the Ontario Hockey League to outlaw fights."

These people were actually elected and paid to come up with that. What it has to do with running an effecient school system is another question.

But you know, maybe Jaffe does have a point. Maybe the media is a bit to blame in all this. But only for giving him free press and broadcast coverage everytime he opens his big mouth.


Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Those Alt-londoners need to believe a little less of what they hear on the CBC and instead spend their afternoons listening to Charles Addled on AM 980.

7:34 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Good headline, Sonny.

Thanks for misrepresenting my position, Honey Pot. You have to be the most misinformed and disengenuous debater in recent memory.

If you ever got one thing right, I think I'd fall over in a dead feint.

You're on the record as saying that all Muslims are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers.

Such ignorance-based stereotyping is known as "bigotry" and "racism."

9:05 AM  
Blogger Crazylegs said...

Peter Jaffe. Media Whore.

6:01 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Hey Crazy L - did you get that new Beatles CD "Love" for Christmas? If so, what did you think?

I hope the lads are going to tour with that new album, I'd love to see them live.

Of course, I'd probably just stand there and scream like a silly school-girl.

12:43 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Don't be ridiculous, Trout. She left the A-Channel on her own volition.

4:30 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

If you are out there Suzy, sorry but I don't know how to delete comments on this thing. Otherwise the second last one would be deleted post-haste.

Sorry to hear about all the cold weather out there. We've been having a warm spell back here.

2:03 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Honey Pot, it's useless to debate you because you never appear to listen nor appear even remotely conscious of what you post.

But look at what you've posted here:

"I said that the death cult of islam is very dangerous and should be outlawed. Get it straight. islam, teaches that all Jews and infidels should be killed, if they don't convert."

What you've said here is that all Muslims are members of a death cult, that their religion should be outlawed and that their faith tells them to kill Jews and infidels -- in effect, to become murderers.

This is complete and utter nonsense.

Your skewed world view may apply to radical Islamic terrorists but certainly not most Muslims.

Tell me something, Honey Pot, why are you always looking for confrontation everywhere you go on the Internet? Is it that you are desperately seeking attention?

Last question: Why are you so dense? Is it a family tradition of yours to come across as dumb as a bag of hammers?

2:14 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Thanks for the London Fog tip, H.P.

You mean to tell me that someone other than you two is actually reading this shit?

10:09 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

HP, it's not that you disagree with me that is offensive, but your blatant and vitriolic racism and sterotyping that is so unseemly and unwelcome.

You'd fit right in on a White Supremicist site.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Crazylegs said...

Hey Sonny... I found no "Love" under the Christmas tree this year. I think it's a not-so-subtle message from the nogoodniks who share the house with me. So, I'll have to shell out myself - but I'm still getting over post-Xmas mall shyness. Soon, though. Soon.

And it better be worth it!

4:38 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Carolyn Parrish? Geez, how do these people get re-elected?

9:18 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Crazy Legs - I usually hesitate to recommend music but I'm willing to bet you won't be disappointed in the new Beatles CD. ... Then again, I've been watching the Xanadu video on KD's site multiple times on a daily basis, so don't go by my taste alone.

9:22 AM  

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