Thursday, February 08, 2007

Six Things I Love About Me

Normally, I don't like to brag but I was 'tagged' by Crazylegs (of and due to being IT, I now have to publicly list six 'weird' things about me. But I don't have a weird bone in my whole body, so instead I offer up six slightly odd things about myself. Kinda scary how fast they were to come up with too.

1. I am a social smoker. Normally I don't even like the smell of burning tobacco and God forbid that I ever actually buy a pack but if others are around and if they are smokers and if alcohol is involved, I'm there. Plus I happen to be one of those guys who just looks so darn cool with a cigarette in his hand.

Of course I blame it all on peer group pressure. Specifically, Fred and Barney. To find out why, click on here -

2. I am not a social drinker. But sometimes when I'm lonely and starved for intellectual conversation, I'll put my glasses on the dog so he looks like Mr. Peabody and we have a two-man party in which we exchange long rambling discourses on the plight of modern man in this mechanized ethos ironically called The Forest City.

3. In the front room of my house I have 100 paper snowflakes suspended from the ceiling at various heights. They go up on the first day of winter, December 22 and stay up for three months until the first day of spring. At one end of the room watching over it all is a life-size cardboard stand-up of Edward Scissorhands. I do this both as a form of decorating the house for Christmas and in honor of Edward. Because of Edward, there is snow in my living room for much of the year. Sometimes you can even catch me dancing in it.

4. Even though I'm not a football fan, I celebrate the Superbowl every year with a party. This involves eating huge sums of food out of boxes from the good people at M&M Meatshops - ribs, wings, meatballs and tater-tots for a vegetable. The Superbowl itself, is not watched. Instead we watch whatever I can find which is the furthest thing from a football game. This year it was the movie Xanadu. Last year it was a marathon of Rock Hudson/Doris Day movies.

4. Even though I'm not Chinese, I celebrate the Chinese New Year every February. This involves eating huge portions of of food out of boxes from the good people at M&M Meatshops - egg rolls, garlic pork, teriaki chicken wings, chicken balls, chicken fried-rice and fortune cookies as a vegetable. Followed by a Jackie Chan movie like Crouching Tiger, Sleeping Dagger or Hero.

5. I have a thing for 'Marla' the department-store assistant-manager in the comic-strip Retail. It may be because I like the way she rolls her eyes in frustration at the customers. Or her acerbic sense of humor. Or the way her breasts are drawn.

6. In real life, I pride myself on being one of the most honest, truthful people I know. Face to face, I never lie and normally, you can take my word for anything I say. But stick a pen in my hand or let me behind the keyboard of this blog and I become a compulsive liar. Here or elsewhere, when you see a post by 'Sonny Drysdale,' there's a good chance none of it is true. Honestly.


Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Sonny, I had a dream last night that you were wearing a turtleneck and a stylish blazer, smoking a joint of primo weed and nibbling on Chinese food with tasty pork morsels in it to celebrate the Chinese Year of the Pig.

You were flashing around a fat wad of cash that would choke a horse, with a voluptuous doll on each arm.

Nearby was a director's chair with your name on the back of it.

What ever can it all mean?

1:08 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

It means I've got to get my pork order in before next Sunday. Thanks for the reminder, Butch.

I'll take 20 pounds of the usual and a dozen racks of back ribs.

6:15 AM  
Blogger Crazylegs said...

Heh, heh.... you said 'racks'.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Pagan Mnemosyne said...

I can verify that most of what Sonny says is true, having been in his house a few times and having shared a drink with him. The thing about Marla , though, just terrifies me. Still, at least he doesn't lust after Mom in 'For Better Or Worse'. Leave her for me!

1:11 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Well KD,

re: 'Marla' from the 'Retail' strip in the Funnies - needless to say, I wouldn't even be in this predictament if those ASSHOLES (no need to use names here,) @ the LFP hadn't cancelled 'Rex Morgan, M.D.' in the first place.

And did you catch those recent strips of 'Marla' dressed up to go 'clubbing' and looking like Britney S.? Va-va-vooooom!

... Please writers of 'Retail,' - don't give her a romantic life. Or a home life. Or a life outside of the Store.

As for 'Better or Worse,' - I like/dislike it. Charming as Mrs. Patterson may be in real life.

But I will say this - I am VERY tempted to start up a new website entitled, I HATE MICHAEL PATTERSON! ... As in - the Perfect Son & All-of-a-sudden 'Serious' Writer To Whom Everything Comes So Easily. As in, the kid graduates frome J-School here in London, Ont. and immediately gets offered the job of editor at 'Toronto Life' - and he and young family are still are living in his college-day apartments - which have been surprisingly transmorgifried to Mississaugua. Geez, maybe it is London after all.

... But that probably only makes me more normal - being pissed off about a cartoon character (who, in fictional life seems to be a fictional nice guy.)

I used to think that 'April' was the most annoying person in the strip (from birth, yet) - but when little Mikey gets what's promised to be a best-seller First Novel published AND a $25,000 advance - well then, what's left? Oprah's endorsement?

... I've needed a good excuse for years to buy one of those fancy-pants Weekend papers from Toronto, remember - You're good enuf, you're smart enuf ...

6:33 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Just can't stay away fropm the racist shit, can you Honey Pot?

Like, what's your point?

What, are you saying that it says in the Koran (a book and religion -- Islam -- that you say should be banned, also saying that all Muslims are taught to murder Jews) that Muslims should firebomb their own business and commit insurance fraud.

Tell me, are all Bluenosers nutbars and racists?

Stereotyping people is clearly a full-time hobby of half-wits and other assorted bigots.

3:26 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Al-Qaeda? Who dat?

Honey Pot, your problem is that you can't seem to distinquish between a bunch of nutbars (radical Islam) and everyday, peace-loving Muslims who have zero in common with terrorists.

There's Christian nutbars, both Catholic and Protestent (remember the IRA and the White Boys/ Orangemen?) and weirdos in every religion. They don't constitute anything approaching a majority -- more like in the 0-5 per cent range.

Yet you tar all Muslims with the same brush. Labels are for soup cans, HP, get it straight. Human beings are as diverse as there are patterns of snowflakes.

Your apparent worldview is not a good sign, Honey Pot. Puts you in the dum-dum category of religious bigotry. The world of tatooed, slobbering skinheads blathering hate for those different from themselves.

Bigots, generally, are damaged goods and best avoided like The Bubonic Plague.

Debating unrepentent bigots is like a trip to the dentist without anaesthetic. Painful and as boring as hell.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Up to your old tricks again, eh Honey Pot?

i.e., Putting words into people's mouths that they've never said. Cute.

Stay away from world politics, Honey Pot. Stick to pit bulls and biker gangs in the neighbourhood.

1:37 PM  

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