Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Good Part of being a parent and the bad part of living in London

After reading about the fire that followed the Three Stooges-style attempted demolition (sorry, I refuse to defame cowboys by referring to attacking a building with a bulldozer as 'cowboy style',) of the Brunswick Hotel, I went down for a dog-walk the next morning and saw all the fourth-degree burns in the flesh.

Being London, and being autumn, it was raining, so when the sun finally began to make brief appearances later that afternoon, I sent the boy down to take some snap-shots for posterity - and offered him five bucks for his trouble.

Now, here's the only bright spot in this montage of why this town (and more importantly - the buffoons we keep re-electing on city council,) continues to SUCK on a regular basis - it's the joy that one can derive as a parent of a teenager.

You know, it's one thing to send him down to the 'Wick' to take some photos - and then start ranting when he gets back - "PARKER! I SENT YOU DOWN THERE TO GET SOME SHOTS OF SPIDERMAN STARTING THE WICK ON FIRE! AND THIS IS THE BEST YOU CAN COME UP WITH?!?"

So of course we had a chuckle over that. I hate to brag but I do a pretty good 'J. Jonah Jameson' imitation.

But this is where the good part of being the father of a teenager comes in. To see if you can mess with his mind. To see if he actually did read all those DC comics you gave him as reading-material over the summer. Because even though he's more of a 'Marvel' kind of kid, as a parent, you want him to appreciate who *invented* the whole spandexed superhero genre in the first place. And no, it wasn't Robin Hood. Or Hercules for that matter.

So you continue to bark out in J.J. fashion - "Parker - I sent you to get proof of Spiderman torching the Brunswick and all you come back with is snap-shots of Clark Kent half-naked in his underwear in the broom-closet next to the newsroom!

"Tell me Parker, did you even leave the building?!? Great Caesar's Ghost!"


Blogger David Webb said...

Would you characterize your JJJ as more Paul Kligman, or more as J.K. Simmons? Aging geeks need to know.

7:27 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Uh-oh - I think I've been found out. Umm, no - my J.J. imitation is more bluster and brimstone.

My J.J. Walker impersonation is a different story tho. Very Kligman, I've been told.

6:09 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Hey Sonny, there's one small corner of the Brunswick still standing (room for one table) and it just re-opened for the night.

I'm heading down for a few ice-cold drafts. I think there's only one staff member on duty, though.

3:41 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Butch, that's building's history by now.

3:22 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

The Brunswick Hotel is "history"?

Geez, then why was every drooling pinhead in town calling it an forgettable "dump."

6:19 PM  
Blogger Pagan Mnemosyne said...

I drove by it today. You can still smell the urine pucks and roofy.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

The dum-dums are always criticizing heritage properties if they're run down.

In that case, Stonehenge and the Coliseum are fucked.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Ironically, with the recent stucco job, the building actually looked kinda presentable.

Certainly not any different than the current popular form of architectural outer-wear favoured by strip-mall developers.

Stucco. Normally used in hot-weather climate regions.

Well, as Harry Hoo is prone to remark - "Amazing."

10:54 AM  

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