Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm Worried About Johnny Depp

You know, I'm starting to wonder if Johnny Depp is even cool enough to relace Jonathan Frid (pictured above,) and play 'Barnabas Collins' in any future 'Dark Shadows' feature film.

Depp bought the rights to the show a year or so ago, and this summer came news that Tim Burton was going to direct it. Now, according to last week's 'Entertainment Weekly', the project is 'on hold.' However, according to imdb.com, it is still in production - but the release date has been pushed back a year to 2011.

Shit, I could be dead by then. I could be blind. Or I could be just plain tired of waiting.

And I'm getting very tired of waiting. When Depp made his announcement last year, I had high hopes. After all, he also said that he had seen all of the original series. So I knew the project would be in good hands. After all, he was "one of us."

This was exciting news. After almost forty years of fandom, I finally felt validated.

Still not too sure about the idea of Burton directing. They've collaborated on good work in the past, but Burton is so hit and miss when it comes to picking his projects.

Not making any of this 'on-hold' status any better is finding out that the two of them are working together on a movie being filmed right now over in Engalund. 'Alice in Wonderland' - in which Depp will play the Mad Hatter. Just what the world needs - another 'Willie Wonka' eye-popping extravaganza from Hollywood's foremost recycler of other peoples' ideas.

Well, if 'Dark Shadows' doesn't or does indeed happen, I can wait. The original show is good enough for me, and no matter how good an actor Johnny Depp can be, Jonathan Frid IS Barnabas Collins. And always will be.

In the meantime, I take comfort in these particular words of Barnabas dialogue. They are spoken to his chick 'Josette' in the 1778 flashback, shortly before he gets chained in his coffin for the next two centuries.

"One day in another time, another world, you will glance across a crowded room and see a stranger you have known forever - and it will be me."


Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Geez, Sonny, you know as well as I do that the Golden Age of Hollywood and Entertainment ended more than 45 years ago.

What's left is little more than chopped liver and chicken entrails.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

True - I guess that's why I only watch movies that are in black & white.

Or cowboy movies - if they're filmed in glorious techni-colour.

9:40 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

My world ended when Jack Benny and Rochester left television.

11:26 AM  
Blogger mary agnes said...

just want to verify the actual year that this project has been pushed out until-2111? Could you mean 2011?

11:13 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Oops - you're right, MAG.

I probably won't even be around in 2111 - unless that modern science stuff works better than it did in 1971.

11:54 AM  

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