Saturday, March 25, 2006

No Dignity in Death for Flattened Squirrel

It's been a week now that a dead squirrel has been lying in the middle of the street when I round the corner off of Stanley and onto Perry. The first day I saw him (or her?) you could tell that he had been hit by a car sometime during the night. The lifeless body still a body. Two days later, a frozen stiff fur popsicle, he still lay in the same spot. The next morning, he'd been hit again and this time ripped open as his bloody innards lay spilled and falling out of his gut. By yesterday, he'd been run over so many times he was flat as the proverbial pancake. Unrecognizeable to all. His species indistinguishable. Even his own Mom wouldn't know him. .... Death has been unkind to this poor creature. But not as unkind as our City Works department. How long must one lie dead on the side of the road before someone from road maintenance scoops him up with a shovel and throws him into the back of a pick-up? For an eternity, apparently. Oh sure, I could have done the job myself, but I've been eating squirrel all winter and quite frankly, getting toooo close to that unfortunate former acrobat of the trees would have made me sick. Just the same, it makes you think - There, but for the Grace of God ...


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