Saturday, April 28, 2007

My Favorite Things

Nothing cooler than Johnny Cash - especially when he's played by another Johnny -

and after you've watched that one, since you're in the neighbourhood - be sure to click on the YouTube vid-link to the right of the screen for DS Meets Brokeback Mountain. There's nothing like a good love story where the lovers are separated by the norms of society - whether they be Capulets or Collins; be they of different sexual orientation or be they the undead.


Blogger David Webb said...

I know it is a studio-only addition, but "Ring of Fire" without the horns just isn't the same. Still, anyone who references Dark Shadows gets a first-year-Happy-Days-Fonzie "thumbs-up" in my book.

9:56 PM  
Blogger HoneypotSugarScoop said...

Wow Sonny, did you catch that over on alt? Not that anyone is surprised that it is one of the nest of the glowtard movement, but they are fighting because newshound (old editor) is dissing their god and his prophets.

Newshound is bright enough to know, when the glowtards let their god out of the bag before they gained any real power, that the movement would be laughed at,thus squelched

The glowtard movment was counting on bullshitting its way to power using hooky science, and then the glowtards go and drag their god out of the closet. Shaking him in the air, trying to scare the carbon emmissions out of the other glowtards. All that money in reasearch grants up in smoke. What will all those people who sit around watching the weather, waiting for a hail storm in Timbukfuckingto, so they can spin it to suck more money out of the government do for a living now?

Saint Pearson and Prophet Lizzie-May. Just when you thought someone on the left might have a brain stem, they go and do this.

6:05 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

David - thanks for specifying 'first-year Fonzie' - I was flipping the dial the other day and the Fonz was wearing an apron and 'Mrs. C' was teaching him how to make a chocolate cake.

Early 'grey-windbreaker Fonz' would never have done that.

11:32 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

HoneyPot - have you seen the latest on Alt?

Former-editor is accusing Bud Polhull of being single-handedly responsible for all global warming - based on the fact that Bud works in the auto industry and does emission 'testing' on cars.

11:35 AM  
Blogger David Webb said...

Sonny opined: "David - thanks for specifying 'first-year Fonzie'"

Discerning consumers of the tele know and care about the difference.

OT, the luxuriamusic link posted at KD's blog is well appreciated. Some kind of whacked-out Beatle medley is playing now. And I love it.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Sonny, now that I have gotten over my trauma of Lizzie-May calling out a Fatwa on Harper last Sunday. I go and find this

There is the old Goracle, not being able to contain himself, pulling his god out of his back pocket and putting him in a global warming slide show. Adam and Eve were there too.

Honestly, I don't think this glowtard movement could get anymore entertaining. I predict we will soon see Prophet Suzuki having himself velcroed to a crucifix so the glowtards will have someone to look up to, and worship.

6:52 AM  
Blogger HONEY POT said...

That was comical the war of the gods over on alt. "God is a star,", "no he is a tree!", "you are both wrong he is a baseball." Funny how everyone has their own god, or at least a whacked out idea of one.

Old editor is freaking because he/she knows that god thingmajig taken up by the glowtards is going to put a damper on the movement.

I wonder how they are making out in Vienna, I expected them to be moving back by now. They will put the summer in, but you know, and I know when they go out to the country and start trying to tell farmers how to grow their crops, using organic fairy juice and squirrel shit, it just won't go over.

I can see it now, "Fred you go over to My Green Garden and pick up a bag of organic fruitfly manure for me to spread on my flower garden, that cowshit we have been using for the last 35 years could be contaminated with cow shit."

I can see the old editors being all wrapped up in this glowtard movement, they make their living off of the glowtards, I just can't figure out what Butch gets out of it.

4:05 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

HoneyPot - sounds like they're having an open-house up Vienna way on the long weekend. You can probably get a lift up there with Butch.

10:42 AM  
Blogger HONEY pot said...

You know for commie taliban loving glowtards, they are sort of on the capitalist pig earth destroying side of things. Pandering tourism for the area, getting all those glowtards driving their carbon emitting cars up to the lake, to stomp on the fauna and flora of Port Burwell. You know those glowtards will tell other glowtards how beautiful, and serene the place is.... the next thing you know.....the place is crawling with glowtards trying to escape the city. Way to go glowtards.

4:40 PM  
Blogger David Webb said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4:35 PM  
Blogger David Webb said...

"The glowtard movment was counting on bullshitting its way to power using hooky science,"

Hey HoneyPot, put up or shut up. Present your side of the argument. There must be hundreds of scientific papers supporting your point of view, because insulting Suzuki or Gore is too easy. Only war-mongers and christianists resort to this kind of pointless ad-hominen attack without any sort of corroboration.

Your aren't a christianist, are you? And why do you hate the earth?

4:39 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

David - it's up to you, but I wouldn't even go there. Don't even get her started.

HP has her scientists and the other side has theirs.

I used to have some sympathy with HP's point of view simply because David Suzuki comes across as such an arrogant jerk. His science may/or may not be correct but the man has all the charm and credibility of Rush Limbaugh, so I can't take him seriously.

Instead, I believe absolutely nothing I read on the subject.

But I'll tellya this - this morning when I took the dog for his walk at six o'clock in the a.m., the temperature was definitely five degrees lower than it was yesterday when I took him for his walk at 8:00 a.m.

And YET, when I looked up at the sun, it was an almost blinding burnt-orange sight to behold. Just like the sun that Clint Howard saw in that episode of 'Twilight Zone.' I could see the fuckin' FLAMES comin' off it, man!

Kinda makes ya think.

4:46 AM  
Blogger David Webb said...

Hey Sonny, I will admit that I was just trying to stir the pot and see if I could generate a blog battel~! I will wait for another topic about which I know less to pick a fight.

My two cents on Suzuki:

It seems that every anti-global warming columnist or letter-writer has encountered him once and found him arrogant or rude. I will say that I met him once and found him charming and friendly. I guess this should give his point of view more weight now. Or not. I have to go put on a sweater and walk the dog. And stare at the sun.

6:14 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

David - feel free to stir the pot as much as you want. Honey Pot loves to argue and she misses Butch McLarty.

Nice to hear that Dr. Suzuki can be pleasant on occassion (or more realistically - not getting pissed off when asked the same stupid questions for the millionth time.)

Plus he's a hometown hero. And like most of 'em - from June Lockhart's dad to the Demics, he's never looked back.

7:56 AM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

David, I don't think I want to argue with you. Not sure why, just don't want to.

I will tell you a story though.

I was ten years old, living in the east coast.
Places like Florida, and even Ontario conjured up vision of exotic lands, where rich people who ate fancy cucumber sandwiches lived.

Rev. Freddie came from Florida to our town and confiscated our makeshift baseball park that summer. There was a stir in the town, when Freddie sit up his big tent. At first we thought it was a circus, never been to one of them and we kids were dancing with joy.

We sound found out Rev. Freddy had came to save us all from Satan, especially us mic
kys who worshipped icons.

Everyone was running to the church to find out how to handle this. The poor old priest took to the bottle for a spell, and disappeared. He did that on occassion, coming back eventually, stating he had been on a spirtual retreat. No one ever questioned this, him being priest and all.

With our priest gone on a walk about, and no devine guidance, my mom just told us to cover our ears and not go near the tent where the revial was taking place every night.

I tried, I really tried, but Rev Freddie was loud and thundering, and the music made you want to tap your foot. So we went, and we watched as people spoke in tongues, and Rev Freddie told everyone the world would be ending soon. They would go to the front of the tent and Rev. Freddie would put his hands on their head and they would fall to the ground and start jerking around like they were having a seziure.

We caught on quick, and as the sinners threw their smokes away, we would run from under the stage and grab them. Yes, we smoked up a storm that summer.

Rev. Freddie was healing left,right and center. People would throw their whole wallet in the collection basket, they were so grateful. They had no need for money, they had found God.

I remember the girls from Bethany Bible college used to go to Rev. Freddie's trailor at night so he could counsel them on becoming good christians.

Something wicked must have happened though, because one night the town men came with baseball bats and guns. Rev. Freddie packed up real quick like and was gone in the morning. It was like he was never there.

There were five immaculate conceptions in the town the following spring.

David, I don't know why you made me think of that, but you did.

1:06 PM  

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