Sunday, March 02, 2008

something for the heritage buffs

He was no snob, architecturally speaking. If the light was right, he painted it. If it was a cool neighbourhood, all the better.

Here we have two watercolours from the late 1980s. 'Locust Mount' WAS one of the finest of the old homes in the downtown area. Now it's a bulldozed pile of rubble after the property owner deliberately let it fall apart after renting it out as a frat house and then turning the lease over to transients who 'accidently' burned it down. Only in London.

The other is a view of Lambeth Ave., home of my favorite sci-fi novelist and blogger extraordinaire. It's a working stiff neighbourhood and probably more recognizable to most South Londoners as - "that street you go down after picking up a bucket at K.F.C. and you don't want to wait forever while trying to make a left-hand turn onto Wharncliffe."


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