Saturday, April 26, 2008

Area Man "Very Disappointed" in Local Womens' Group

Let's get this straight right off the bat - I am very, VERY disappointed in London's collective umbrella of Womens' Groups for cancelling their announced May 2nd protest of the misogynist ways of our one and only local newspaper - outside the London Free Press building.

As far as non-events go, this one had a not-to-be-missed quality to it, which would have guaranteed my presence as an interested bystander. Or I would have gotten a kick out of the coverage of it on their one&only competitor, our one&only TV station, Channel 10/News Now.

It all began stupidly enough about a week ago with Equality Day. One of the organizers of the Free Press protest (who is also the taxpayer-funded head honcho of one of our many 'Woman Awareness' organizations,) made a big media to-do about cancelling her London Free Press subscription because of her repugnance of the Free Press bi-monthly Mens' "M" magazine, because of its most recent issue (from six weeks ago,) which featured a photo advertorial for a local motorcycle shop - 'Hot Bikes and Hot Women.'

Actually, it may have not been titled 'Hot Bikes, Hot Women' - it could have been 'Hot Ladies' or something like that. We're talking about the London Free Press here, where any sense of being provocative has left the building years ago. So it certainly wasn't 'Hot Chicks' or 'Hot Babes' - or 'Hot Womyn' or 'Wimmin' for that matter.

The photo layout itself consisted of sultry-looking young ladies stradling or standing next to real hot big long bikes. The kind that have suicide handlebars just like Capt. America's in 'Easy Rider' that give them a few extra inches even though they don't really need it - because ultimately, it's not all about The Big Road-Trip, it's about how long and slow and then faster and faster it takes you to get there.

And as far as being arousing or "salacious," all the models were wearing clothing. And next to no shots of any cleaveage-revealing tops. As a bit of erotica, it wasn't much of a bust. Frankly, I've seen more raunchy shots in the lingerie ads in our weekly Wal-mart flyer.

But the fact that a local 'Mens' magazine published by our local newspaper would use such photos which kinda/sorta 'objectified women as sex objects,' clearly got up the dander of that dame who gets her weekly paycheck for running one of those Women Issue groups - and she said 'Enough. I am so disgusted with the London Free Press for publishing this magazine almost two months ago, that on April 17th, also known as Equality Day, I am cancelling my subscription to the newspaper - and everyone else with any sensitivity will do the same. ... Oh, and we're also going to publicly protest outside the Free Press building on May the second."

... now, what makes this whole thing so darn laughable and so very London and so very, very London Free Press, is that the 'Cancel Your Newspaper Subscription' Day was deliberately timed for 'Equality Day.'

But if you've ever picked up 'M' Magazine and looked at the mast-head, you would know that it is published by a woman. At least half of the contributing writers, photographers and graphic artists are women. And the Editor - the person who creates the editorial shape, content and philosophy of the magazine - IS A WOMAN!

Talk about Equality. If the protesting wimmen were serious about Equality, they would be Celebrating the fact that the Sista's were putting out a Mens magazine. The only real offensive thing about that photo-spread of Bikes & Broads, was how lame it was.

I mean, really - a MENS magazine created by women? Only in London. And only at the London Free Press, a newspaper which (to give them their due and proper credit,) has a long history of bending over when it comes to covering the 'Women are best/Men don't even count' issues. These people wrote the book on how to give editorial blow-jobs.

Think about it - women have come a long way, baby. A men's magazine produced by women. It took Hugh Hefner an umployed adult daughter and forty years to get to that point.

This truly is something to celebrate.

Or was - because the big babies have called off their May 2nd protest outside the Free Press building after meeting with the publisher, Sam McGree Jr. who convinced them that he is really on their side - despite his past columns on the op-ed page about his natural interest in pornography and about the time he was neutered.

All of this is probably good for the professional loud-mouths who work as executives for Womens' Issue groups in town.

But it's truly just more sad news for the once-adequate newspaper known as The London Free Press. A man with no balls has been told how to play ball with people who throw like a bunch of girls.

My prediction - the editor of 'M' magazine will soon be reassigned. Yes, a woman will lose her job over all this silliness.

And 'M' magazine will no longer contain any content as raunchy as an M&M Meats flyer.

- which means of course, that we can also kiss of this summer's Swimsuit issue.


Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Who is the editor of M Magazine, Sonny?

I know the so-called publisher is a woman, Susan Elevator Music.

I just visited M Magazine's web pages and can't find that information.

Maybe, just maybe, you've fucked it up again, as usual.

Between you and Sugar Scoop, I think some remedial media is in order.

I love feminists because they usually play hard to get!

9:04 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Butch - the editor is/was Jill Ellis-Worthington or something like that. She's the editor of all the Freeps, freebie advertisement mags.

If her name is no longer connected with "M" mag, I guess I was right in my prediction of Berton caving in to the handful of loudmouths in skirts who want to run this town.

Kinda surprised that you're one of them tho, Butch. I've seen you in a dress before - and it ain't pretty.

(C'mon, honestly - just between you and me, you knew darn well who the editor of 'M' was - because you have a copy of the Bikes & Broads issue under your mattress.)

10:24 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

The hottest tail I've ever had was a bull-dyke on the south side of Chicago.

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...shoulda told 'em,
"FINE! See if I care!"

10:54 AM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

It was funny.

Wiggins, who no one knows, cancels her subscription, and guess what? No one cares. No one knows who Wiggins is. She hid in that fortress on Wellington street for over 20 years, hiding out from those evil males no doubt.

Walker, the walking hypocrite, gets some Tammy-Faye doughbrained bum sniffer, to arrange for a protest, and then cancel it, when she realizes she is seen as the anti-christ by the women folk in town.

Walker really wanted to make a statement she would demand that lap dog of hers quit his job, working for that sexist rag.

It was just funny, and has forced them back under their collective rocks.....until they get a whiff of another government grant blowing in the wind, and need to make a fool of themselves.

It was odd to see some men folk speak up in defense of these weak ineffective females. Someone had to pretend they thought what they were doing was not a bunch of bullshit.

It made the tableau of the ridiculous all the more entertaining.

3:50 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Pops - my friend Dwight Schmidlapdt was planning on going to the protest as a way to meet chicks. But they would have run him out of town the first time he said, "What do you want, a medal? Or a chest to pin it on?"

Honey Pot - on the open-line radio program about cancelling your Free Press subscription, I only heard one male support the protest - altho he declined to cancel his newspaper subscription over it.

6:12 AM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

That young Stepahnie did a marvelous job on that topic. Imagine a young woman like that noting from the get-go that the subscription cancellation protest, and the other protest was a crock of shit from the get-go.

It was funny that no one knew who Wiggins was, and they kept refering to the scheme as another devious one of Walkers.

Ever since Walker tried to torch that Burghardt guy when she was running for the ndp, everything she does is seen as a sleaze scheme.

Young women like Stephanie are not going to let those old hairy lipped feminazi's tell them what they can and cannot wear.

It was peculiar that the guy who has the most misogynist website in town would be paying hommage to them.

Just last week I was reading on that blog about how young girls were kissing each other, in bars, and it was driving men crazy with rage. Like the young girls were asking to be beat and raped because they were kissing other girls. Typical mysogynist thought pattern.

Yes, if we left it up to the Walkers, Wiggins and Wells, the young women in London would be all in burka's, and not let out with out proper chaperones.

2:36 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Elaine Murray, aka Honey Pot (ironically, a name that I gave her in 2003-2004) rarely misses an opportunity to take putrid and ill-informed personal attacks on others.

For example, in the past she has called "anti-semetic" -- a comment that even the admins at London Fog found to be totally false, so they deleted it.

Now, according to the world's most bitter human, is misogynist.

Elaine, you have repeatedly distinguished yourself as a complete and total goofball. A disgrace to the human race.

If you are going to attack others, at least get your darts on the cork dartboard.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Wells, you don't have any idea how misogynist your blog is, do you?

Do you not see what a total hypocrite you are by stating you defend women's rights, while exploiting them at the same time?

There was nothing in that M-magazine that was exploiting females,that you haven't done. You have even done much worse.

To suggest young women in bars who kiss each other somehow makes them fair game for some man who is aroused, and you suggesting they deserve any harm that comes to them. That is backward mysogynist thought.

I don't care if a female is bare assed walking down the street, that gives no man the right to beat her, or rape her.

As soon as you and your so called temperance tambourine women's group friends get that through your noggins, you have a right to say you support women. Until then, you can fuck right off.

How is that article coming along about your belief in Israel's right to defend herself, and exist?

3:49 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

... and Wells, the London Fog people, well Mike actually, did a complete profile on you, Holly and your other sneaky identities. He has an uncanny talent of profiling the truly unhinged.

It wasn't very flattering was it?

The end of the month is coming, isn't it time you made an appearance over there so Mike can kick your ass again?

3:55 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Elaine "Shit for Brains" Murray wrote:

"To suggest young women in bars who kiss each other somehow makes them fair game for some man who is aroused, and you suggesting they deserve any harm that comes to them. That is backward mysogynist thought."

This is complete misrepresentation of the facts.

But that's your game isn't it, Elaine? You twist things and make them up.

The really strange thing about you is that you're aware you're making things up because you're seeking a reaction, just like all Internet trolls.

Are you really that desperate to get attention?

As I stated previously, you are a disgrace to the human race.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Sure, there's plenty of decent people out there, as always, but more and more we're all witnessing outrageous behaviour by greater numbers of youths -- behaviour that in the recent past was indulged in by a very very few.

An example?

I learned a few years ago that it's common in bars or at parties frequented by youths, for the young girls to start necking with each other in front of the guys, to get the guys all fired up.

Twenty years such behaviour was completely taboo.

Is it change for the better?


It's like watching society swirl down the toilet bowl.
-by Butch McLarty altLondon.

Wells do you not see anything wrong with this statement? Are you homophobic or just misogynist?

Violent, still-wet-behind-the-ear thugs are roaming the streets in greater numbers, looking for prey | 10 comments

4:16 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Thanks for posting that, Elaine.

I rest my case.

Your earlier characterization of the story was a complete misrepresentation of the facts.

I don't want to argue with you any further because it's a complete waste of time.

You like to scream till you're blue in the face that white is black and that black is white.

But thanks for posting an excerpt for the column from

And by the way, I like it when Mikey from London Fog puts up a link to my Wikipedia page. I'd hire him as my PR guy but he's already doing it for free.

Feel free to do it yourself.

4:22 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Yeah, you are a legend in your own mind.

Perhaps you could explain to us how females necking in a bar, or at a party, working up young guys is swirling society down the toilet?

Are these young girls bad girls in your little mind? Are these young girls asking for it?
Are they inciting violence?

4:34 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Are they being provactive? Are they asking to be raped?

Give us your opinion Butch, I can't wait to here it from one so revered by the temperance tambourine women's groups here in London.

4:37 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

There is a difference between you don't want to, and you can't. We all know you can't.


Just tone down that website, I wouldn't want to see the tambourine temperance women's group coming after you, and taking editorial control of your blog. It is stupid now, it would be just plain dumb then.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Poor ol' Sugar Scoop. Nuttier than a fruitcake and can't help herself.

8:20 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Here kitty kitty kitty ... O Honey Pot, come and get your bowl of milk that Daddy has set out for you.

If you're a good little girl, I'll even give you a chewy cookie or two.

Here kitty kitty kitty ...

1:19 PM  

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