Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First-Time Caller Impressed by Call-Screener

Gladys Smersh, a long-time listener of the 'Jim Rome Sports-Talk Radio Show' was pleasantly surprised yesterday to find the program's call-screener 'Todd' to be such a nice, polite young man.

"I was a bit nervous," admits Gladys - "What with this being the first time I've ever called into the radio."

"But Todd set me at ease right away by asking me my name and where I was from. When I told him I was from London, Canada - he asked me if I thought the Leafs would take it this year and then told me that he had college friends from Portland who had once been to Vancouver. When I replied that it truly was a small world - well, we both had to chuckle over that."

Gladys confessed that she had always wanted to call into the popular 'Jim Rome Sports Talk Radio Show' which is internationally-syndicated in markets throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico - but was always "just a smidge" intimidated by Jim Rome, the occassionally bombastic,loudmouth jerk who on occassion is rude to people who just aren't smart enough for sports radio.

"But Todd assured me that 'Romey' was only a character that Jim played 'on the air' and that in real life he was kind of shy - and originally from a small town just like me and Todd," said Gladys.

"Todd also agreed with me on my choice of topics for the open-line segment because not enough people had been calling in about the Michael Vick situation."

Gladys, however, didn't get to talk to Rome. After being kept on hold for 45 minutes, when it was finally her turn to talk, Rome introduced her by saying, "I'm told our next caller is 'Crazy Gladys' from Hicksville, Ohio."

Gladys became flustered and immediately forgot about the Michal Vick/dog-fighting controversy and how gentle her own pet pit-bull 'Muffy' was and began rambling about this season's dismal performance by the Hamilton Tiger Cats.

"HEY GLADYS - YOUR TAKE SUCKS!!!" whispered Rome in his most humble of tones before he cut her off and moved on to the next caller - but only after adding, "Thanks a lot, Todd."

Afterwards, Gladys turned her knob to the 'Charles Adler Leafs Lunch Program," but has yet to phone in.

Said Gladys - "If I'm going to listen to a cartoon-character on the radio, it might as well be a Canadian one. ... And from now on, I don't give a shit about how cute or nice his call-screener sounds."


Blogger Honey Pot said...

Why can't they get a morning radio station in London with some kick ass on it?

Every now and then they get a good topic to talk about, but it is like they don't have the skill to provoke a reaction from the listening audience.

Someone does call in with some fire in their belly, the host(ess) proceeds to cut them off stating they have more callers waiting to state their opinion. Thier wife or mother then gets on and reminds them to pick up a loaf of bread on the way home.

We need a kick ass talk show in the mornings here in London.

3:46 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Don't worry Honey Pot - Jimmy C. should be back on the air by mid-October.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Sonny, I must tell you tell you the story of the Westerfield watch. I am sort of really, really lucky that I have people that....well that have lived life.

Both of them are veterans of WII.

Amyway remind me to tell you, because tonight, is a night of listening. Which is a difficult task for moi.

6:20 PM  
Blogger David Webb said...

Oh good, Jim Chapman. The man who thinks Rachel Marsden is a real peach and has some super insights. Did you know he had a heart attack? Is it possible to not know that he had a heart attack?

6:50 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

I can only hope that Jim Chapman has a Westerfield watch.

David - if your assertion that Jim had a heart attack is true, surely he would have written a book (or two) about it.

I've listened to enough 'Art Bell' to know that when one has a near-death experience, you write a book about it, go on the radio and never let anyone forget.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

I was out having a few cold ones with Kid Dork at The Last Drop a few daze ago and on the way home, I had a full-blown, massive, Big Mac Attack.

I devoured them right in front of the McHappy staff.

Kind of freaked them out because every time I devour Big Macs, I first take them into my fist and squeeze them into a golf ball-sized nugget and then pop them into my mouth.

There's less burping that way.

When did Jim Chapman have a heart attack? Recently?

I'm hope that he's still playing the bass guitar.

I sure miss him on CHRW. Used to tune in every day.

1:40 PM  

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