Saturday, September 15, 2007

Local Radio Station Celebrates 85 Years of Mediocrity

Does anyone out there want to read more about this? Or does the title say it all?


Blogger Nancy Best said...

Yes, oh great one. Please tell us why a Local Station has been so shitty for so long. I'd love to know.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Shame on you, Nancy.

You should work on that negative attitude.

I, personally always find it easy to find the positive in everyone.

For instance, even a lame-ass AM-radio station, can redeem itself by carrying syndicated intelligent sports-talk radio shows.

6:28 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

According to my research, AM-980 was a hot little station up until -- oh -- 1961 or so.

It went downhill bigtime in the 1960s with that candy-ass Bunny Bundle stuff that came part and parcel with the Bill Brady Show.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

P.S. Nancy, step on over to We like people with attitude over there.

Call us names, kick sand in our face, steal our garter snakes, just no overt ethnic stereotyping etc., as Honey Pot found out.

Geez, I sure wish Honey Pot could come back home, but she's still got rattlesnake juice coarsing through her melon.

12:56 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

I won't be back there, I have found a new one. That old one was....well boring.

The yellow ribbon decals in support of our soldiers, will be a go.

The logic they are trying to use, to try and stop it, is illogical.

I mean if they can raise the gay flag on city hall, whose only fight might have been extracting a hamster from an orfice or two, they can do this for our brave men and women, who put their lives in danger..... so the gays can continue playing 'hide the hamster,' without fear of being beheaded.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Butch, hahahahahahah, your socialist cabal shone last night alright. It was the lights reflecting off of their tinfoil hats.

What was that blubbering by Barber all about? The Canaidan soldiers liberated my family, but that was different, we are Dutch, and white.

I wonder if those dummies read the papers, or watch the news. They might have missed the president of Afghanistan begging Canada not to withdraw their troops.

He figures all the people who want liberated will be slaughtered by the taliban. You know the taliban, Jack Layton's buddies. The prez even went as far as to say the taliban will come here for Gina, and the other tinfoil hat wearers. What do you suppose they will do to them?

Council must have realized city hall would have been torn down brick by brick, by the non-tinfoil hat citizens, if they voted the other way.

Hey why no news on your site about the liberals getting their asses kicked to the curb last night in Quebec? Think you would be parading the one and only win of the ndp party in that little piece of wingnutland in Quebec.

Now if the ndp were smart, which they aren't, they would be booting taliban Jack's ass out the door and get them a leader with an ounce of backbone and some brains.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Honey Pot, I know that toxic rat poison in your noggin prevents you from getting too much voltage circulating in that brain cavity of yours, but I've never ever been a member of any political party -- including the NDP.

Regarding the silly yellow-ribbon debate, of course the 11 knuckleheads on council had to try and outdo each other to see who was the purported most patriotic member of council:

"I'm a better Canadian than you are!"

"No, I'm a better Canadian than you are!"

"My daddy and grandpappy [sniffle] fought in both world wars [sniffle] and were taken prisoner by the [sniffle] Germans! Did everybody in London hear that? Did the camera pick it up? Do you want me to repeat it?"

Truth be known, none of them likley know which is the business end of a bazooka. If they ever picked one up, it'd be time to hit the deck or scatter. I think they call that friendly fire. Real friendly.

Hey, that's a damn good idea Honey Pot! Let's put the rainbow flag on the back of all cop cars with the slogan: "Support Our Poofters and Pillowbiters!"

We've already got the Canadian flag on city hall. Tit for tat.

P.S. I'm glad you've found solace at the London Fog and White Power websites. As long as you're happy.

4:56 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

oh pleasssssssse, you reek of taliban jackness.

Why do you have a problem with Canadians being patriotic? You and the socialist cabal at city hall are the only ones who feel we shouldn't be. Canada is finally getting an identiy on the world stage, thanks to Harper, and that pleases many, many, many Canadians, even the ones in Quebec. Going to be a big blue wave over Canada come next federal election.

5:53 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Honey Pot, where to begin explaining it to you 'cause you're just like that pork-chop brain, Paulie Van Meathead.

Patriotism can be a great thing, Honey Pot, but it has to be a matter of individual choice -- you can't ram it down people's throats by telling them how to act and think on significant political matters.

Mind you, Nazi Germany was particularly skilled at dictating to people how to act and think, so was Saddam Hussein's Iraq and Communist China. Mussolini wasn't too bad either. There's many other examples.

You don't like those countries do you, Honey Pot? And Canada is a free country with a Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The bottom line with those decals is that they belong on private vehicles, not on government-owned vehicles, like the cop cars and City vehicles because the implied message from the government is telling free people how to act and think.

I know you don't get it, but many people do.

But perhaps you want the government telling you what to do and think. Personally, I ride alone kimosabe.

12:23 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

I have no problem with you or the socialist cabal on city hall not feeling a kinship with our soldiers. That is your choice, and you are free to make it. You can thank a Canadian solider for that. Many Canadians do support our soldiers though. We know they have a tough job, and we want them to know that we support them, and what they do is of the utmost of importance.

I do suggest though that you, and the socialist cabal at city hall, keep it in the back of your mind that one day you might need those Canadian soldiers, that you have shown disrespect for.

1:49 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Authored by: News Hound on Friday, September 21 2007 @ 08:04 AM EDT
The new community organization could organize joint sessions with the Old East Community Assoc. and present a common front for when dealing with police, council, and others over common problems.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, oh yeah that's a plan. The soho crowd are blaming Old East for sending them their hookers, pimps, and drug dealers. With that great big mother of center of hope, that area is now hopeless.

Funny none of them in soholand haven't said that out loud. The people sitting on the Old East community association are so dumb, they will proably help soho dump all the social servies on the Dundas stip in Old East.

I mean really.... how fucking dumb do you have to be to not realize when you have social services set up for 1000 or more clientele in your hood, that your hood is a designated ghetto.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Which of the following two actions are those of a true Canadian patriot?

1. Slapping a $3-taxpayer-funded decal on all City-owned vehicles that says "Support Our Troops."

2. Defending the freedoms of thought, expression and peaceful assembly for all Canadians to oppose any armed conflict, unfettered by taxpayer-funded, government propaganda.

OK, so we know Honey Pot selected #1.

Now, what does that mean Honey Pot? How are you going to support our troops other than all taxpayers forking over $1,000 for the decals to go on vehilces that we all own collectively?

Are you going to knit them socks or something? Or is it just a touchy-feely feel-good exercise where you can express your support for Motherhood and Apple Pie, without actually doing anything?

For the record, I select #2, because that's what the last world world war was all about -- freedom.

Hitler's Germany demanded that you support his troops. People had no choice. London just embarked down that slippery slope.

The very thing that our troops died for during the Second World War, you're opposing, namely freedom to choose.

In effect, you're pissing on all the Canadian graves from the Second World War.

You related to Adolf, Honey Pot?

12:15 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Lest We Forget -- what the sacrifices were made for during World War II. Namely, opposing the tyranny of government and fighting for the freedom to avoid having things rammed down our throats.

Honey Pot, you've already forgotten.

Now you want to ram things down people's throats -- at their own expense, nonetheless.

Meanwhile, you purport to "Support Our Troops."

Which troops, HP, stormtroopers?

Should the eight members of council who believe in fundamental freedoms such as freedom of expression and thought, be executed?

Should they be put before a firing squad for not falling into line or should they just be ridiculed for believing in fundamental freedoms and not wearing their so-called patriosm on their sleeves?

Even Mapmaster over at London Fog agrees with this.

12:35 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Ze yellow decals must go on all of ze vehicles and ze yellow stars must go on all of ze Jews.

This is a direct order from Field Marshall Tom Van Meerbruikswager-Orser.

Anyone caught defying ze orser will be horsewhipped and shot by me personally. Your body will then be tossed to ze Taliban.

12:47 PM  
Blogger said...

It was a vote Butch, and the majority won. You and the socialist cabal at city hall might not like that, but....oh well.

Whining about a $1000.00 being spent on showing support to our soldiers is ludicrous, when money spent on crap thought up by the socialist cabal is tenfold that.

3:59 AM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

...and Butch, no one really cares that you and the socialist cabal at city hall don't know the difference between right and wrong. It is because of your alliance with Taliban Jack, your leader is a cowardly appeaser, and the apples doesn't fall far from the tree.

5:12 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Honey Pot, if you ever understood anything or got something right in your life, I'd probably drop dead from shock.

I loved the vote and was surprised that there was so many people of integrity on city council.

The vote exposed the true shitheels on this council who either can't stand up for their principles, don't have any in the first place or misunderstand the Charter and the sanctity of freedom of expression.

"Supporting Our Troops" is a matter of individual choice and should never be rammed down people's throats by the government in a controversial war such as the one in Afghanistan.

I was talking to a Second World War vet the other day who also agrees that government shouldn't be dictating these decals go on public vehicles. He gets it. And he's in his late 80s.

He said to me, "That's why we fought the Germans in the first place, to ensure that we all had the power to choose in life. Freedom and the power to choose."

When government starts telling you how to act and think on matters political and of conscience, they've forgotten what the Second World War was all about.

You've forgotten Honey Pot. Shame on you. You've forgotten what our troops were fighting for in WW2.

Oh by the way, Hitler was elected as well, proving once again that the majority of people sometimes get it wrong. And that's precisely why we have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to protect us against government that is prone to getting it wrong.

And we all know that politicians often get it wrong.

It's called the "tyranny of the majority."

But rest assured that I loved the vote at city hall the other night. Couldn't have been happier going home knowing that we've got eight on council that, in the face of enormous pressure to wrap themselves in the flag like poltroons and cowards, they stood their ground on what they believe in.

Those folks embody the spirit of true patriotism and freedom, not your favourite lackeys who folded like a cheap accordion at first blush.

8:20 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Butch, I could swear I heard a drum and fife corp. in the background as I read that post.

Kinda sounded like 'O Canada' but it's hard to tell without any vocals.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Like I said Butch, you and the socialist cabal have the right to be terrorist appeasers, and not give a fiddler's fuck about the well being of our Canadian soldiers. It is your right, and that of the socialist cabal at city hall to send the message to our soldiers that you don't care if they live or die, their well being means nothing to you.

It is the majorities right to send the message that we do care, and we are proud of what they do.

1:08 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Why did we go to war in WW2, Honey Pot?

You keep refusing to answer that question.

You've forgotten Honey Pot. Let we forget. You've forgotten.

It's you that doesn't give a rat's ass about our troops in Afghanistan because you don't give a rat's ass about anything. You're a bent, negative wave.

What did we go to war for in WW2, Honey Pot? Answer the question.

To fight tyranny and preserve our freedoms. Now repeat it back to me in English, just to show that you get it.

To fight tyranny and preserve our freedoms. That's better. Now memorize it.

You and your ilk have become the enemy, you've morphed into one of Hitler's flunkies.

You have NAZI DNA in your bones and blood. You're a jackbooted conformist.

2:20 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

OK OK, Honey Pot, I'll admit it on behalf of the eight.

Joni Baechler, Judy Bryant, Harold Usher, Nancy Branscombe, David Winninger, Bill Armstrong, Susan Eagle, Gina Barber and I all hate motherhood, apple pie, little baby ducks, warm and cuddly pajamas, ham and eggs (avec toast), hot and cold running water and the Canadian flag.

Oh, another thing, we don't like ice cream with nuts and syrup either.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

We went to world war 2 to fight a sawed off little genocide nutjob. We went to WW2 for the same reasons that we are fighting now. There were many like you, and the socialist cabal that didn't think we should have been involved in that either, but we were. We helped beat that evil little fucker and his band of merry socialist into the ground, like we will beat these evil islamist good for nothing fuckers into the ground.

3:01 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! You have forgotten, HP. We weren't fighting for the sake of fighting, we went to war to preserve freedom and smash tryanny.

Tryanny is what happens when government tries to tell you how to think and act on matters political and of conscience.

You don't like freedom, Honey Pot, do you?

You want the government to dictate to the people.

You're no different than the Taliban. I'll bet if I looked into your wallet or purse, you'd be a card-carrying member of the Taliban, wearing a turban.

You think it's OK for the government to dictate to us, because you don't believe in fundamental freedoms. Admit the truth.

Regarding Afghanistan, there's no comparison between this one and WW2. Apples and screwdrivers.

WW2 was a just war.

Vietnam was not.

The war in Iraq is about oil and the war in Afghanistan is about preserving paths for future pipelines. Bush and Big Oil.

You've bought the propaganda, girl, like a good little dummy should. Go to the head of the class and put your dunce cap on.

Hey, how's that trust fund going or did Orser blow you off?

Surely your new hero wouldn't blow you off or would he?

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

3:17 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Make that tyranny! Shurely shome mishtake!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Sugar Scoop runs with the Taliban .... Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

3:19 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Butch,and you think liberating the people of Afghanstan from the taliban is not worth fighting for? You think our soldiers, building schools, and other needed infrastucture, plus protecting these people from being slaughtered by the taliban is not a worthy cause?

They are not fighting just to fight as you and the stupid socialist cabal keep stating. They are fighting to give people in the armpit of the world a chance, a taste of democracy. It had to be done sooner or later, and only a complete fucking fool would not understand that.

3:46 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Can we expect you and the socialist cabal to be supporting Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his quest to sit the record straight? Perhaps you could a pen a letter for the socialist cabal at city hall telling him he is right, Iran has a far better human rights record than Canada.

You stupid fuckers, you would have us all dead, knocking each other over to appease these lowlife fuckwits.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Honey Pot the Terrorist. Sugar Scoop the Sidewinder.

Spreading hate the world over.

Thank God she likes hot apple pie and ice cream (avec nuts) because that makes her more Canadian than .... than .... Paulie Van Gosnellberger and Bud Stephen O'Miller.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Honey Pot supports the troops by spreading hate and forgetting why our troops sacrificed their lives in WW2. Hasn't a clue. Thinks war is all about hating people because they live in different countries. Doesn't understand fundamental freedom or civil liberties and why they're so important.

Hey Honey Pot, howcum NATO hasn't invaded China, they don't have freedom over there either. Too many soldiers or not enough oil?

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

11:17 AM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Honey Pot the Terrorist supports our troops by goosestepping around her back yard every morning, right after her morning consitutional.

Camp Dipshit, Honey Pot's outpost off Ham Road.

12:06 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

hahahahahahah Butch, your little hero Ahmadinejad, got his assed kicked today at Columbia U. That evil little bastard has been listening to the left, and he believed they would be all for his plan to destroy Israel and slaughter the Jews.

hahahahahahahaha, he was told that the Holocaust was the most documented event in history, and it was suggested he looked into it. I suggest you and the socialist cabal do to. It would be good if you stupid fuckwits had an idea of how these things come to be. They come to be because of people like you and the socialist cabal, who would prefer to ignore than to confront.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Butch, know your hero Ahmadinejad, when asked about his governments treatment of homosexuals and women in Iran, looked the students in the eyes and stated,"there are no homosexuals in Iran."

Of course there isn't, he killed them all. Yeah, this is what you and your stupid socialist cabal want to embrace and appease.

....fucking dummies

2:11 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Honey Pot, why don't you come clean and finally admit that you are a goosestepping spy in Canada for the Taliban and that you have also been to Iran where you spent several months taking instruction from Ahmadinejad.

CSIS is going to find out eventually.

4:39 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Hey hey hey, ol' Butch (El Zorro) McLarty shurely whupped Sugar Scoop's candyass but good.

Hey hey hey, she won't be back for a few daze while she licks her wounds.

You gotta get up pretty early in the morning to get the best of El Zorro!


Hey hey hey, EL ZORRO RULES!

11:39 AM  

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