Saturday, September 08, 2007

Why I Don't Believe In 'Allah' anymore

From yesterday's London Free Press' - in the 'ENTS' section (presumably, that's the A&E section of the paper aimed at the infotainment-consuming demographic of Talking and Walking Trees, as popularized in such films as 'The Wizard of OZ' and 'Bruce the Spruce Gets a Branch-Job.)

... from the Best Bets Tonight column - and I quote -

Television - 'In Dreams' : 8:30 p.m., the 'W' Network;
'In Dreams,' debuting tonight, profiles people who've had vivid and sometimes chilling dreams.

"In this debut episode, a teenager dreams she's forced to be the Devil's bride but is rescued by God, who also happens to be the proprietor of a video store."

... and THAT'S a "Quote." Go to the Library and check it out if you don't believe me. Read the current events on one of those long wooden poles. Save yourself a quarter.

Sorry - no sarcastic comments to add. I mean, what can you possibly say that would be funnier?

Just the same, I welcome your comments.

.... Hey how 'bout that Stand taken by John Tory of his namesake party - the Retro-Conservatives about religious faith-based schooling - 'Why-the-hell-should-I-have-to-pay-for-it? I ain't Hindu' as popularized on local right-wing open-line radio shows (all two of them,) once hosted by current candidate Jim Chapman.

Incidently - I'm still open to the concept of 'Allah' - I guess I'm just too old to believe in that whole bit about the guy in the white-sheet robes with the long white hair and beard who wants to kill me for the occassional swear-word or that bit I got on the side from that waitress 'Debbie' from the 'Big Boy' on the 401.

Allah - take it from me (and Deb,) Honest, I swear to Jesus, it won't happen again.


Blogger Honey Pot said...

I was thinking the man must be daft to use that as political platform, but he needs to get the muslim vote away from the left. This should do it. They do vote, maybe a couple of times, one burka just looks like the next.

It will put Chapman in just because there is a big muslim community out this end.

I wonder what the hell they are going to do when the snake worshipers' want to set up their schools. It is comical actually.

I don't think the man has any idea how many voodoo cults are out there, who will be wanting their own schools, and publicly funded.

It is going to be interesting to watch them implement this religious school thingmajig. If it publicly funded, the public is going to have a say on what is taught.

I think there will be a few upset when they see certain religions teaching their females that their lives are worth less than that of their grandfather's camel. Surely someone in the public will disagree with that being taught.

I can see that causing a fatwa being called out on the minister of education for the province.

4:26 AM  
Blogger Sonny Drysdale said...

Honey Pot, you just might be on to something there.

... Hey, incidently - Butch is looking for you.

4:48 AM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Butch is always looking for me. The poor guy wouldn't even know how to think unless I directed him. Isn't love grand?

12:02 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Sugar Scoop, I was kinda worried about you there. Thought that maybe the Blue-Goofus had infected your Kanooter Valves.

Anyway, here's a song I just composed for you, Honey Pot.

i got some troubles but they wont last
i'm gonna lay right down here in the grass
and pretty soon all my troubles will pass
cos i'm in shu shu shu, shu shu shu,
shu shu shu shu shu shu sugartown.

i never had a dog that liked me some
i never had a friend or wanted one
so i just lay back and laugh at the sun
cos i'm in shu shu shu, shu shu shu, shu shu shu shu shu shu sugartown.

yesterday it rained in tennessee
i heard it also rained in talahassee
but not a drop fell on little old me
cos i was in shu shu shu, shu shu shu, shu shu shu shu shu shu sugartown.

if i had a million dollars or 10
i'd give it to your world and then
you'd go away and let me spend
my life in shu shu shu, shu shu shu, shu shu shu shu shu shu sugartown.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Authored by: admin on Monday, September 10 2007 @ 03:54 PM EDT
On February 15, 2002, the BIA launched the Old East London Village Commercial Corridor Transition and Revitalization Study. Through this initiative they have extended their area of interest beyond Elizabeth Street to Egerton Street. This study is a partnership initiative between Old East London Village BIA, The Professional Planners Institute Southwest Planner Action Team, and the London InterCommunity Health center.- admin Alt London

I read this and I wanted to puke. It was the Intercommunity Health Center, the death gift to any community they sit up in, that keeps on giving. They did everything in their power to destroy the area to ensure their jobs. They rounded up every junkie and prostitute they could find. Junkie's and prostitues are their meal tickets.

I am quite sure Orser knows this, well everyone knows this in the community. Newshound knows this and worked very hard via altLondon at helping to make sure anyone else who tried failed.

Greg Thompson too stupid to realize until the end he was being used. Maybe next time he will align himself with the people who really care about the area, and wanted to take it back.

It is their stupid love-a-thug ndp mentality that made sure that hood was kept down.

What did editor and newswhound do when they knew it was too late to revitalize that community. They closed shop, took white flight and ran away to the country to prepare for a glowtardian war. Another fucking illusion of the lunatic left.

Typical ndp group-think. Let's set up a ghetto for our meal tickets, and then fuck off after we destroy an area.

I think Orser will actually do something. I will help him in anyway I can.

1:37 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Yup yup, News Hound and his wife, opened up a storefront business on Dundas Street, helped organize street plantings-street beautification and a street sale and arts party while patronizing the Aeolian Hall because they were trying to ruin the area.

Funny, never saw you or Steve at any of those efforts or events. Why dat?

More misplaced bile from the Great Dunderhead of Spite and Venom.

I missed you Honey Pot.

3:07 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

No you didn't see me kissing the politicians asses as Newshound and Editor were so apt at performing.

I did the dirty work, while those two cutthroats were pretending they cared.

Everyone knows what the problem is in East London, it is called the Intercommunity Health center.

The poverty pimps have lots of money behind them, and the politicians were more than willing to give them an area to set up their ghetto. That is about the high and low of it.

You get someone talking about booting the social agencies out, and I am going to be with them.

Only a fucking moron and/or an ndp member would believe you can run a successful business beside a soup kitchen or methadon clinic.

3:25 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Well, first off, News Hound and Editor were the same individual (Christ, you can't even get that right) before I took over the site last December.

Kissing the politicians' asses?

Geez, your memory is short. News Hound/ Editor et al. never kissed anyone's ass, let alone the politico butt.

He and his wife (and a few others) challenged the electoral status quo, much to the chagrin of the majority of city council -- and won at the OMB.

The only ass-licking going on was between you and that couple that won the big house. The squirrel guy, aka Ric Wallace and his wife.

4:01 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Bullshit, they were in with the social agencies. Fawning over them, making anyone who pointed out the fact that the abundance, over fucking abundance of social agencies was the obstacle to revitalization. They never met a half-baked fucking social agency with a big grant they couldn't fall in love with.

As long as the ICH center is there, the area is doomed.

The only light at the end of the tunnel is that the Intercommunity health center is getting in there to try and compeletly destroy the Kipp's lane area. They must of got a big grant from Dalton to do their dammage. They need to move on and suck the life out of another community, and give the Old East area a chance to rebuild.

The ICHC always start off with...."the children are starving, the parents are too stupid to feed them."

I have the script memorized I have heard it so many times from those parasites.

7:02 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

Honey Pot, tell me something. Are you suffering from dementia or are you on the jimsom weed again?

Or do you just make stuff up as you go along?

The former editor of Alt-London and his wife and their store, My Green Garden, had NOTHING to do with the Intercommunity Health Centre.

El Zippo. No relationship whatsoever.

Further (regarding a previous post), their store was blocks and blocks away on Dundas from the methadone clinic at William Street and the soup kitchen at Lyle Street.

Let me know when you return to the planet, Honey Pot, so we can pick up where we left off when you still had most (OK, a few) of your marbles.

Did you get bitten by a few bats this past August or something?

11:47 AM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Oh yes they did. Who was the paid manager of the Old East Business association? Didn't seem to matter that she also worked for the ICHC since Jesus was a cowboy, and worked hard for years to destroy the community to ensure her fucking job...just another opportunistic poverty pimp. Who was their bestest friend in the world? Everytime someone said something about the ICHC, editor and his/her/its partner, went ballistic.

Thompson, Merit the Hurley's and the ICHC were all in the same bed.

Thompson didn't get in because everyone in the hood knew that. He didn't have the balls to go up against them, he owed them. He was even stupid enough to believe they could get him the council seat.

Hahahahahahah, looks fucking good on him.

The only way to clean up the area is to rid it of the parasites who make thier living off the backs of the poor.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Butch McLarty said...

HP, like many bitter, spaced-out weenies, disenfranchised from the world, you live in the fantasy world of "false absolutes."

Hanging on to your false absolutes is a crutch, like a drowning person clinging to a upside lifeboat in the ocean.

i.e., The Intercommunity Health Centre is the reason Old East Village is economically depressed.

All Muslims are terrorists.

All bluenosers are friendly piss tanks who know how to party.

All politicians are crooks, etc. etc.

All NDPers are communists, blah blah blah.

Everything must be black and white in your world because small minds cannot stand complexity, incongruity, grey areas or true individuality and unique circumstances.

But life is not always black and white. It's often very complex. Even drooling simpletons are complex.

Old East Village has been economically depressed for decades and decades, long before the Intercommunity Health Centre was even created.

It may have attracted more of the "wrong crowd" loitering in the streets, but it is far from the only reason the area is rundown.

When I lived in the area in 1969, rubbies were forever stealing rubbing alcohol from the C & C Variety at the northwest corner of Dundas and Elizabeth streets.

Why is that Honey Pot?

Is it the Intercommunity Health Centre's fault, which hadn't even been created then?

Is it Sarah Merritt's fault who likely was even born then?

1:37 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

ICHC set up in the 80's. First they offered basket weaving to the seniors. No one trusted them in the hood. Just that phoney feeling you got from the social workers employeed there. They needed money for grants to keep the joint going, so they put in for every poverty grant they could get. They didn't have the clientelle, so they went and fetched them from all over the city. They decided without community consulation to set up a homeless shelter for southwestern Ontario teens who didn't like the rules at home.

The Kipps lane area is in for the samet thing.

Instead of saying to mothers who are too fucking lazy to get out of bed to fed their kids, they take over, and fed them for them. All the mother has to do is not be responsible ,and the ICHC are breaking their asses getting them food clothing, and childcare.

All the more money for momma to spend on crack and booze for her man, at the end of the month with her welfare cheque.

2:34 PM  
Blogger Honey Pot said...

Talking about allah, I wonder if this guy is muslim.

It seems to me that it is very coincidental that every terrorist they captured worldwide since 911, has been a muslim.

I am not saying that all muslims are sneaky cowardly bloodthirsty barabaric animals, just a whack of them are.

I suppose Said Namouh was not going to blow up anything in Canada, so he will be made the poster boy for the ndp in their quest to understand and negotiate with the terrorist.

6:26 PM  

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